This Is a Safe Space

A virtual embrace

Charlie Cole
3 min readMar 21, 2022
© Charlie Cole

A familiar feeling sits in my chest, that aching feel taking hold of my heart. So often, too often really, I let negativity creep its way in and consume me. My thoughts, reactions, and attitudes slide toward the pessimistic, always eyeing things with a view of suspicion. Taking the steps to undo this is a long, and hard road that I actively work on as much as I can, but the fact remains — the world can be so awful so much of the time.

I wanted to take a moment to simply say I am here for you. A virtual stranger may not mean much or even do much, but putting a beacon out there for the hurt is worth doing all the same. I choose to believe that, I think I have to believe that. So here I am typing away just letting whoever may be reading this that they have a friend in me, that the pain you feel is valid, and that all the voices that seek to shut you out are the ones shut out here.

Being an ally is no good unless you’re willing to open your mouth up about it. There is so much more I could be doing, I know this, and it will be one of the many notes to the chorus of this continual heartache of mine, but maybe this is something. Words have long been said to not a hold candle to all the sticks and stones out there, but they can certainly hurt us. If they can do that then, surely, they can do the opposite and have many times.



Charlie Cole

Writer • Photographer • Editor • Champion Overthinker • She/Her •